Privacy policy

Alenka Znidarsic SP, DBA as Lena-Z Coaching

Company: Sole Proprietorship

Address: 1346 Wasatch Point, Lafayette, 80026 CO (USA)


Telephone number: 01 720 219 9263


Founder: Alenka Žnidaršič


Collecting of personal data
Your personal information (name, surname, e-mail address and field of your interest in our work) is collected from you with your consent by registration to our newsletter (Newsletter). You can register via application form on our webpage or at our events.

The use, extent and purpose of storing and using of personal data
We store and use all your personal information in order to share with you our field of work and themes we are interested in, to inform you and present to you opportunities and news about our work and to invite you to our events.

The collected personal data is processed for the statistical analysis of the sent newsletters (content areas of interest for our services and activities) and in connection with this for the purpose of designing and sending a more focused offer or content that is in line with the interest areas of our (potential) subscribers and followers.

All personal data mentioned above are carefully stored and protected in accordance with the European Data Protection Law (GDPR) and ZVOP-1.

Personal data processors
The personal data processors are mainly employers of Colabrie d.o.o. There is also possible to indirectly access this personal data by the companies that are providing technical support  (web site creators and IT equipment maintenance providers), but not for the purpose of using, owning or transmitting this information to any third party. All these companies are legally and contractually committed to compliance with GDPR. Colabrie d.o.o. will not, in any case, transfer the collected personal data to third parties.

Period of storing personal data
Personal information of an individual at Colabrie d.o.o. will be kept as long as there is the purpose of collecting and storing the data mentioned in point 3 of this text, or partial or complete cancellation of the consent to store and process individual data is made. Upon the withdrawal of the consent of the individual, his or her personal data will be immediately permanently deleted.

Rights of the individual
Any individual, whose personal information is stored and used, may at any time request disclosure, correction, complete or partial deletion, processing restrictions, opposition of use, cancellation of use of his or her personal data. The cancellation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing which, on the basis of consent, was carried out until its cancellation. All the aforementioned claims, relating to insight or change in the storage and processing of personal data, should be addressed to One can simply unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on the Logout link in the foot of each message. Individual can also address all the questions and comments related to the personal data protection policy at Colabrie to e-mail address, mentioned above.


Colabrie values

We guide engineers and tech leaders using Colabrie approach to evolve their ecosystem to retain and attract high-performing talent.

Contact us

Telephone: 01 720 219 9263


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We store and process personal data for the purposes of maintaining contact with customers, and sales promotion.

Learn more about our privacy policy